
5 million euro for the new Apulia Film Fund


The new Apulia Film Fund – online on the Apulia Film Commission site – has a total budget of €5 million. The first-in call for applications is aimed at micro, small and medium sized businesses in the audiovisual sector to support the production of individual works or series created entirely or in part in Apulia.

Eligible projects include feature-length fiction films aimed principally at theatrical distribution (max contribution: €350K), single web or TV works or series (max contribution: €700k), creative documentaries (max contribution: €120k), animated feature-length films or series (max contribution: €700k) and short films or music videos (max contribution: €40k).

The measure aims to support the production industry in Apulia and to attract investors from outside the region who will find there everything they need to shoot a film: industry professionals, artisans, artists, and every type of location. Moreover, as a “green” fund, additional points will be awarded to the productions able to guarantee environmental sustainability in their activity and to compensate for the CO2 emitted by planting trees in Apulia.

More information is available in our summary file.