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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, i nostri ieri, film, emilia, romagna, Codigoro, ex carcere di via Resistenza, prison, Parco del Delta del Po, delta del Po, Stazione Foce, Comacchio, Ravenna, Bologna, Peppino Mazzotta, Francesco Di Leva, Maria Roveran, Daphne Scoccia, Denise Tantucci, Teresa Saponangelo, Thierry Toscan, Elia Schilton, Francesco Calogero, Marta Pizzigallo, Domenico Gennaro, Francesca Mazza, Denis Campitelli, Vladimir Doda, Prince Obi, andrea papini, Italy for Movies



Film drama


Peppino Mazzotta, Francesco Di Leva, Maria Roveran, Daphne Scoccia, Denise Tantucci, Teresa Saponangelo, Thierry Toscan, Elia Schilton, Francesco Calogero, Marta Pizzigallo, Domenico Gennaro, Francesca Mazza, Denis Campitelli, Vladimir Doda, Prince Obi

Directed by

Andrea Papini



Film drama


Peppino Mazzotta, Francesco Di Leva, Maria Roveran, Daphne Scoccia, Denise Tantucci, Teresa Saponange

Directed by

Andrea Papini

Where it was filmed 'Yesterday'

Luca (Peppino Mazzotta) runs a filmmaking workshop in a prison which invites a group of prisoners to work together on a project about a crime committed by one of them. The key location for the film was Codigoro (province of Ferrara), with the former prison of via Resistenza, piazza Libertà and other public areas in the municipality.

In the bare spaces of prison, truckdriver (Francesco di Leva) has to reckon with the inexplicable crime he committed, which is now the subject of a workshop project, and with the family members of the victim (Maria Roveran). Framing Beppe’s crime as a story offers the group of prisoners the opportunity to find redemption in team work and so becomes a way for this random collection of outsiders to imagine a new future.

The film was also shot in the park of Delta del Po, near the Stazione Foce in Comacchio, in Darsena and the historical centre of Ravenna and in Bologna.

Where it was filmed 'Yesterday'

Luca (Peppino Mazzotta) runs a filmmaking workshop in a prison which invites a group of prisoners to work together on a project about a crime committed by one of them. The key location for the film was Codigoro (province of Ferrara), with the former prison of via Resistenza, piazza Libertà and other public areas in the municipality.

In the bare spaces of prison, truckdriver (Francesco di Leva) has to reckon with the inexplicable crime he committed, which is now the subject of a workshop project, and with the family members of the victim (Maria Roveran). Framing Beppe’s crime as a story offers the group of prisoners the opportunity to find redemption in team work and so becomes a way for this random collection of outsiders to imagine a new future.

The film was also shot in the park of Delta del Po, near the Stazione Foce in Comacchio, in Darsena and the historical centre of Ravenna and in Bologna.

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Data sheet

Film drama
Directed by
Andrea Papini
Peppino Mazzotta, Francesco Di Leva, Maria Roveran, Daphne Scoccia, Denise Tantucci, Teresa Saponangelo, Thierry Toscan, Elia Schilton, Francesco Calogero, Marta Pizzigallo, Domenico Gennaro, Francesca Mazza, Denis Campitelli, Vladimir Doda, Prince Obi
Country of production

Atomo Film

A passion for his art takes Luca, a documentary filmmaker teaching temporarily in a prison, to recreate the inexplicable crime committed by Beppe the truck driver for their end performance. As they work on the story, the prisoners involved in the workshop find a sense of meaning in their work while Luca, running the timeline backwards, finds a network of family ties circling the event. It is time for him to find out more about himself and find an answer to his present crisis.

The locations

Region: Emilia-Romagna Type: City Territory: Historical centre, City
Comacchio Beaches
Region: Emilia-Romagna Type: Sea Territory: Sea
Valli di Comacchio and the fishing casoni
Region: Emilia-Romagna Type: Nature reserve / park Territory: Countryside, Sea, Lowland / plain

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