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Grand Tour. Viaggio in Italia


Docuseries - 6 episodes


Alessandro Sperduti

Grand Tour. Viaggio in Italia


Docuseries - 6 episodes


Alessandro Sperduti

Where it was filmed 'Grand Tour. Viaggio in Italia'

The Sky Original docu-series Grand Tour. Viaggio in Italia travels the peninsula from north to south to discover the landscape and art treasures though the eyes of travellers from the past. The perspective is that of the foreign artists, intellectuals and nobles who undertook this journey of cultural and emotional initiation from the end of the 17th century onwards. Actor Alessandro Sperduti hoists his bag on his back and takes viewers on six unforgettable stops of the Grand Tour which demonstrate that Italy has conserved its primacy intact.

Episode 1 – Venice

Alessandro Sperduti photographs the Rialto Bridge, Venice

The first episode opens on the spectacular alpine landscapes of the Monceniusio Pass, considered by travellers in past centuries to be the gateway to Italy.

The destination is Venice, a city that was appreciated not only because of its precarious balance of water and land but also for its fame as a city of pleasure and music where tourists would buy paintings by Canaletto and other landscape painters as keepsakes. European artists, like El Greco, would head to Venice to study the Venetian school masterpieces of colour in the Galleries of the Accademia, and also the mosaics in St. Mark’s Basilica, which enthralled Dostoevskij for hours and inspired Gustav Klimt. The lapping of canal water echoes in the words of Proust and Mann, in William Turner’s Venetian paintings and the monumental installation by Anselm Kiefer at the Palazzo Ducale.

The journey continues down the Brenta river, following in Goethe’s footsteps, to end in Vicenza in the rooms of the Gallerie d'Italia, where the 18th century paintings linked to the Grand Tour and Francesco Bertos’ spectacular sculpture, La caduta degli angeli ribelli are displayed.

Episode 2 – Florence

Sperduti in front of Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence

Alessandro Sperduti gets lost in the marble quarries of the Apuan Alps following in the footsteps of the legendary Michelangelo, as did so many of his contemporaries who left behind sculptures that have shaped the urban geography of Pietrasanta.

The focus of the episode is, however, Florence, an obligatory stop on the Grand Tour from the 1800s onwards. Sperduti visits Michelangelo’s Sagrestia Nuova which influenced the art of Auguste Rodin, stops to contemplate the Basilica of Santa Croce whose beauty profoundly affected Stendhal and shows how Botticelli’s was an important model for the Pre Raphaelite painters.

In the city, the cosmopolitan Gabinetto Vieusseux in Palazzo Strozzi was much frequented by the English and Americans, while the hills of Fiesole and the Tuscan countryside inspired artists and painters.

Episode 3 – Rome

The desirable destination for travellers and tourists was the Eternal City, where they would get lost in the classical architecture, Renaissance style and Baroque splendour. This episode shows the remains of Ancient Rome, Raphael’s frescos at Villa Farnesina and the countryside of Lazio dotted with archaeological ruins.

Rome was key to personalities such as Henry James, Diego Velazquez, Renoir and Johann Joachim Winckelmann. The American painter Cy Twombly, whose ashes are conserved in Church of Santa Maria in Vallicella, found Rome so familiar that he would wander the Colosseum barefoot. Claude Lorrain meanwhile was fascinated by the countryside in the Agro Romano and the waterfalls of Tivoli, which became the subject of many of his paintings. Joseph Kosuth lived in Roma for 15 years, preferring the timeless atmosphere of the Dolce Vita to New York modernity.

Episode 4 – Naples

Naples: Maradona dei Quartieri Spagnoli by Mario Filardi

Alessandro Sperduti opens the fourth episode from the peak of mount Vesuvius, the symbol of Naples whose presence dominates the city which inspired Andy Warhol to return to brush painting.

The Parthenopean city, with the vivacity of its alleys, the sparkle of the sea and the immensity of its volcano, was a strong influence of international art.

Spanish master Jusepe de Ribera, whose works can be seen in the Museo di Capodimonte, stayed in the city in the 1600s where he was influenced by Caravaggio who painted his last painting here: the Martyrdom of St. Ursula, which hangs in the new seat of the Gallerie d'Italia in via Toledo. Picasso was also so deeply marked by the turbulence of Neapolitan life and by the frescoes of Pompeii that he shifted from Cubism to works of neoclassical inspiration.

The episode ends at the Reggia di Caserta, where the “Terrae Motus” collection hangs, the artistic response to the 1980 earthquake by some of the most international artists of the 1980s, from Joseph Beuys to Robert Rauschenberg.

Episode 5 – Sicily

Sicily, so praised by Goethe, stars in the 5th episode. Sperduti starts his exploration of the island in Palermo, where the Flemish painter Van Dyck came in 1624 and met the by then elderly Sofonisba Anguissola, before immortalising the iconography of the patron Saint Rosa in his paintings. Walking through the amazing rooms of Palazzo Butera, amidst the rare plants in the park and the Arab-Norman buildings, Sperduti talks about the other great masters who were won over by the charm of the island landscapes, from Paul Klee to Maurits Cornelis Escher, and the young artists who still today come here in search of a more authentic life, from Paris or London.

After venturing into the centre of the island, he visits the Valley of Temples in Agrigento and then goes to Taormina where Oscar Wilde, following his imprisonment for homosexuality found an oasis of tolerance and communion with nature.

Episode 6 – Genoa

Alessandro Sperduti arrives in Genoa by sea, like Maupassant on his yacht “Bel-Ami”. He admires the noble palaces that conquered the Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens, who created the first Baroque altarpiece in Genoa conserved in the Chiesa del Gesù. His pupil, Antoon Van Dyck, would later define the contemporary portrait with his paintings of Genoese nobles. The labyrinth of caruggi in the historical centre fascinated writers like Henry James e Mark Twain.

The journey continues in the wake of that enchantment that the Ligurian riviera has always sparked, as it does still today, especially in a painter. He tells us how Monet spent three months in Bordighera working on his style; Kandinsky transformed the nature of the landscapes of Rapallo in his studies, the chosen spiritual retreat for Ezra Pound too. Meanwhile, Asger Jorn transformed his home in Albissola Marina into a work of art, working with traditional local ceramics.

Where it was filmed 'Grand Tour. Viaggio in Italia'

The Sky Original docu-series Grand Tour. Viaggio in Italia travels the peninsula from north to south to discover the landscape and art treasures though the eyes of travellers from the past. The perspective is that of the foreign artists, intellectuals and nobles who undertook this journey of cultural and emotional initiation from the end of the 17th century onwards. Actor Alessandro Sperduti hoists his bag on his back and takes viewers on six unforgettable stops of the Grand Tour which demonstrate that Italy has conserved its primacy intact.

Episode 1 – Venice

Alessandro Sperduti photographs the Rialto Bridge, Venice

The first episode opens on the spectacular alpine landscapes of the Monceniusio Pass, considered by travellers in past centuries to be the gateway to Italy.

The destination is Venice, a city that was appreciated not only because of its precarious balance of water and land but also for its fame as a city of pleasure and music where tourists would buy paintings by Canaletto and other landscape painters as keepsakes. European artists, like El Greco, would head to Venice to study the Venetian school masterpieces of colour in the Galleries of the Accademia, and also the mosaics in St. Mark’s Basilica, which enthralled Dostoevskij for hours and inspired Gustav Klimt. The lapping of canal water echoes in the words of Proust and Mann, in William Turner’s Venetian paintings and the monumental installation by Anselm Kiefer at the Palazzo Ducale.

The journey continues down the Brenta river, following in Goethe’s footsteps, to end in Vicenza in the rooms of the Gallerie d'Italia, where the 18th century paintings linked to the Grand Tour and Francesco Bertos’ spectacular sculpture, La caduta degli angeli ribelli are displayed.

Episode 2 – Florence

Sperduti in front of Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence

Alessandro Sperduti gets lost in the marble quarries of the Apuan Alps following in the footsteps of the legendary Michelangelo, as did so many of his contemporaries who left behind sculptures that have shaped the urban geography of Pietrasanta.

The focus of the episode is, however, Florence, an obligatory stop on the Grand Tour from the 1800s onwards. Sperduti visits Michelangelo’s Sagrestia Nuova which influenced the art of Auguste Rodin, stops to contemplate the Basilica of Santa Croce whose beauty profoundly affected Stendhal and shows how Botticelli’s was an important model for the Pre Raphaelite painters.

In the city, the cosmopolitan Gabinetto Vieusseux in Palazzo Strozzi was much frequented by the English and Americans, while the hills of Fiesole and the Tuscan countryside inspired artists and painters.

Episode 3 – Rome

The desirable destination for travellers and tourists was the Eternal City, where they would get lost in the classical architecture, Renaissance style and Baroque splendour. This episode shows the remains of Ancient Rome, Raphael’s frescos at Villa Farnesina and the countryside of Lazio dotted with archaeological ruins.

Rome was key to personalities such as Henry James, Diego Velazquez, Renoir and Johann Joachim Winckelmann. The American painter Cy Twombly, whose ashes are conserved in Church of Santa Maria in Vallicella, found Rome so familiar that he would wander the Colosseum barefoot. Claude Lorrain meanwhile was fascinated by the countryside in the Agro Romano and the waterfalls of Tivoli, which became the subject of many of his paintings. Joseph Kosuth lived in Roma for 15 years, preferring the timeless atmosphere of the Dolce Vita to New York modernity.

Episode 4 – Naples

Naples: Maradona dei Quartieri Spagnoli by Mario Filardi

Alessandro Sperduti opens the fourth episode from the peak of mount Vesuvius, the symbol of Naples whose presence dominates the city which inspired Andy Warhol to return to brush painting.

The Parthenopean city, with the vivacity of its alleys, the sparkle of the sea and the immensity of its volcano, was a strong influence of international art.

Spanish master Jusepe de Ribera, whose works can be seen in the Museo di Capodimonte, stayed in the city in the 1600s where he was influenced by Caravaggio who painted his last painting here: the Martyrdom of St. Ursula, which hangs in the new seat of the Gallerie d'Italia in via Toledo. Picasso was also so deeply marked by the turbulence of Neapolitan life and by the frescoes of Pompeii that he shifted from Cubism to works of neoclassical inspiration.

The episode ends at the Reggia di Caserta, where the “Terrae Motus” collection hangs, the artistic response to the 1980 earthquake by some of the most international artists of the 1980s, from Joseph Beuys to Robert Rauschenberg.

Episode 5 – Sicily

Sicily, so praised by Goethe, stars in the 5th episode. Sperduti starts his exploration of the island in Palermo, where the Flemish painter Van Dyck came in 1624 and met the by then elderly Sofonisba Anguissola, before immortalising the iconography of the patron Saint Rosa in his paintings. Walking through the amazing rooms of Palazzo Butera, amidst the rare plants in the park and the Arab-Norman buildings, Sperduti talks about the other great masters who were won over by the charm of the island landscapes, from Paul Klee to Maurits Cornelis Escher, and the young artists who still today come here in search of a more authentic life, from Paris or London.

After venturing into the centre of the island, he visits the Valley of Temples in Agrigento and then goes to Taormina where Oscar Wilde, following his imprisonment for homosexuality found an oasis of tolerance and communion with nature.

Episode 6 – Genoa

Alessandro Sperduti arrives in Genoa by sea, like Maupassant on his yacht “Bel-Ami”. He admires the noble palaces that conquered the Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens, who created the first Baroque altarpiece in Genoa conserved in the Chiesa del Gesù. His pupil, Antoon Van Dyck, would later define the contemporary portrait with his paintings of Genoese nobles. The labyrinth of caruggi in the historical centre fascinated writers like Henry James e Mark Twain.

The journey continues in the wake of that enchantment that the Ligurian riviera has always sparked, as it does still today, especially in a painter. He tells us how Monet spent three months in Bordighera working on his style; Kandinsky transformed the nature of the landscapes of Rapallo in his studies, the chosen spiritual retreat for Ezra Pound too. Meanwhile, Asger Jorn transformed his home in Albissola Marina into a work of art, working with traditional local ceramics.

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Data sheet

Docuseries - 6 episodes
Alessandro Sperduti
Country of production

Sky, 3D Produzioni

The incredible art, enchanting landscapes and archaeological heritage of Italy seen through the eyes of travellers throughout history and the stories of the foreign artists, intellectuals and nobles who, from the late 17th century, embarked on that journey of cultural and emotional initiation: the Grand Tour.

The locations

Region: Liguria Type: Village Territory: Borgo (walled/fortified village), Historical centre, Sea
Region: Toscana Type: City Territory: City
Region: Liguria Type: City Territory: Historical centre, City, Suburbs
Region: Campania Type: City Territory: City, Sea
Palermo, Historical area and Mondello
Region: Sicilia Type: City Territory: Sea
Archaeological Park of the Colosseum
Region: Lazio Type: Archaeological site Territory: Historical centre, City
Park of Villa Gregoriana – Tivoli
Region: Lazio Type: Archaeological site Territory: Hill, Historical centre
National Park of Vesuvius
Region: Campania Type: Nature reserve / park Territory: Mountain
St. Mark’s Square – Venice
Region: Veneto Type: Square Territory: Historical centre, Sea
Royal Palace of Caserta
Region: Campania Type: Palazzo Territory: City
Region: Lazio Type: City Territory: Historical centre, City, Suburbs
Region: Sicilia Type: Village Territory: Hill, Sea
Valle dei Templi – Agrigento
Region: Sicilia Type: Archaeological site Territory: Countryside
Region: Veneto Type: City Territory: Historical centre, City, Sea
Region: Veneto Type: City Territory: Historical centre, City

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la cura
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La Storia
Tv series - 8 episodes
Directed by: Francesca Archibugi
Film comedy
Directed by: Roberto Andò
Holding Hands
Film drama
Directed by: Gianni Amelio
La vita accanto
Film drama
Directed by: Marco Tullio Giordana
The Lying Life of Adults
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Edoardo De Angelis
Bicycle Thieves
Film drama
Directed by: Vittorio De Sica
Lamborghini: The man behind the legend
Film drama
Directed by: Bobby Moresco
Breaking up in Rome
Film comedy
Directed by: Edoardo Leo
Le Déluge
Period film
Directed by: Gianluca Jodice
The Ignorant Angels
Tv series - 8 episodes
Directed by: Ferzan Özpetek
Le seduzioni
Film drama
Directed by: Vito Zagarrio
The Macaluso Sisters
Film drama
Directed by: Emma Dante
Reading Lolita in Teheran
Film drama
Directed by: Eran Riklis
We Still Talk
Film drama
Directed by: Pupi Avati
Leopardi. Poet of the infinity
Tv miniseries Episodes
Directed by: Sergio Rubini
Film action, comedy
Directed by: F. Gary Gray
They Call Me Jeeg
Film drama, action
Directed by: Gabriele Mainetti
The White Sheik
Film comedy
Directed by: Federico Fellini
The White Space
Film drama
Directed by: Francesca Comencini
Loro 1
Biographical film
Directed by: Paolo Sorrentino
Love & Gelato
Film comedy
Directed by: Brandon Camp
Lovely Boy
Film drama
Directed by: Francesco Lettieri
Luce dei tuoi occhi
Tv series - 2 seasons
Directed by: Fabrizio Costa
My Brilliant Friend - Story of the Lost Child
Tv series - 10 episodes
Directed by: Laura Bispuri
M - Son of the Century
Tv series - 8 episodes
Directed by: Joe Wright
What a Beautiful Surprise
Film comedy
Directed by: Alessandro Genovesi
Magnificent Presence
Directed by: Ferzan Ozpetek
Màkari 2
Tv series - 3 episodes
Directed by: Michele Soavi
Film drama
Directed by: Elisa Amoruso
Mamma o Papà
Film commedia
Directed by: Riccardo Milani
Eat Pray Love
Film drama
Directed by: Ryan Murphy
Wondrous Boccaccio
Period film - literary
Directed by: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani
Film drama
Directed by: Jasmine Trinca
Marcello mio
Film drama
Directed by: Christophe Honoré
Mare Fuori
4 seasons – 48 episodes
Directed by: Carmine Elia, Milena Cocozza, Ivan Silvestrini
Margherita delle stelle
Film tv
Directed by: Giulio Base
Maria Montessori - La nouvelle femme
Biographical film
Directed by: Léa Todorov
Martin Eden
Film drama 
Directed by: Pietro Marcello
Marriage Italian Style
Film comedy, drama
Directed by: Vittorio De Sica
Medal of Honor: Heroes (Game)
First-person shooter
Film drama
Directed by: Ivano De Matteo
Mia moglie, mia figlia, due bebè
TV Film
Directed by: Eugenio Cappuccio
Midnight Caravan
Visual novel/Adventure
Mimì, il Principe delle Tenebre
Film horror
Directed by: Brando De Sica
Mina Settembre
Tv series – 2 seasons, 24 episodes
Directed by: Tiziana Aristarco
Film drama
Directed by: Giovanni Basso
Film drama
Directed by: Emma Dante
Miss Fallaci
Tv series - 8 episodes
Directed by: Luca Ribuoli, Giacomo Martelli, Alessandra Gonnella
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1
Spy Film
Directed by: Christopher McQuarrie
Mixed by Erry
Film comedy
Directed by: Sydney Sibilia
Directed by: Andrea Segre
Spy film
Directed by: Lewis Gilbert
Mozzarella Stories
Film comedy
Directed by: Edoardo De Angelis
Murders in Venice (Game)
Graphic adventure
Film action thriller
Directed by: George Gallo, Francesco Cinquemani, Luca Giliberto
My Spy - The Eternal City
Action movie
Directed by: Pete Segal
Napoli - New York
FIlm drama
Directed by: Gabriele Salvatores
Napoli milionaria
Film tv
Directed by: Luca Miniero
Naples in Veils
Film drama
Directed by: Ferzan Ozpetek
Nata per te
Film drama
Directed by: Fabio Mollo
Tv series - 12 episodes
Directed by: Luca Ribuoli
The Legendary Giulia and other Miracles
Film comedy
Directed by: Edoardo Leo
Noi siamo leggenda
Tv series - 12 episodes
Directed by: Carmine Elia
All you need is crime
Film comedy
Directed by: Massimiliano Bruno
Non ci resta che il crimine - La serie
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Massimiliano Bruno, Alessio Maria Federici
Don't Tell My Boss
TV series - 2 seasons - 24 episodes
Directed by: Giulio Manfredonia
Non è un paese per giovani
Film comedy
Directed by: Giovanni Veronesi
Non riattaccare
Film drama
Directed by: Manfredi Lucibello
I am not what I am
Film drama
Directed by: Edoardo Leo
Film drama
Directed by: Mario Martone
Notti in bianco, baci a colazione
Film comedy
Directed by: Francesco Mandelli
Nuovo Olimpo
Film drama
Directed by: Ferzan Ozpetek
Dark Glasses
Film thriller, horror
Directed by: Dario Argento
I Hate Christmas
TV series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Davide Mardegan, Clemente De Muro
The First Omen
Film horror
Directed by: Arkasha Stevenson
One Trillion Dollar
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Florian Baxmeyer, Isabel Braak
First-person shooter
First-person shooter
Palermo Shooting
Film drama
Directed by: Wim Wenders
Bread and Tulips
Film comedy
Directed by: Silvio Soldini
Pare parecchio Parigi
Film comedy
Directed by: Leonardo Pieraccioni
Film drama
Directed by: Paolo Sorrentino
Seven Beauties
Film Drama
Directed by: Lina Wertmüller
Music documentary
Directed by: John Turturro
Film drama
Directed by: Giuseppe M. Gaudino
Per Elisa - Il caso Claps
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Marco Pontecorvo
Per il mio bene
Film drama
Directed by: Mimmo Verdesca
Film drama
Directed by: Edoardo De Angelis
Perfect Strangers
Comedy film
Directed by: Paolo Genovese
Pesci piccoli – Un'agenzia. Molte idee. Poco budget
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Francesco Ebbasta
Tv series – 2 seasons
Directed by: Maria Sole Tognazzi
Unique Pieces
TV series – 12 episodes
Directed by: Cinzia TH Torrini
Piano piano
Film drama
Directed by: Nicola Prosatore
Piedone - Uno sbirro a Napoli
Tv series - 4 episodes
Directed by: Alessio Maria Federici
Posso entrare? An ode to Naples
Directed by: Trudie Styler
Power of Rome
Directed by: Giovanni Troilo
Film drama
Directed by: Amanda Sthers
Film drama
Directed by: Walter Veltroni
Almost home
Film drama
Directed by: Carolina Pavone
Film drama
Directed by: Luca Guadagnino
My summer with Irène
Film drama
Directed by: Carlo Sironi
This World Can't Tear Me Down
TV series – 6 episodes
Directed by: Zerocalcare
The King of Laughter
Biographical film
Directed by: Mario Martone
Radhe Shyam
Film drama, sentimental
Directed by: K.K. Radhakrishna Kumar
Raphael – The Lord of Arts
Documentary – Art
Directed by: Luca Viotto
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
Third-person shooter
Robbing Mussolini
Film comedy
Directed by: Renato De Maria
Film drama
Directed by: Marco Bellocchio
Film drama
Directed by: Matteo Garrone
Red Notice
Film action
Directed by: Rawson Marshall Thurber
Rido perché ti amo
Film comedy
Directed by: Paolo Ruffini
Tv series - 8 episodes
Directed by: Steven Zaillian
Ritorno al crimine
Film comedy
Directed by: Massimiliano Bruno
Romantic Girls
Film comedy
Directed by: Pilar Fogliati
Rome Reborn
Romeo is Juliet
Film comedy
Directed by: Giovanni Veronesi
Rose Stone Srtar
Film drama
Directed by: Marcello Sannino
Ryse: Son of Rome (Game)

Action / Adventure

Film drama
Directed by: Fabio Grassadonia, Antonio Piazza
St Peter's and the Papal Basilicas of Rome 3D
Documentary - Art
Directed by: Luca Viotto
Se mi lasci non vale
Film comedy
Directed by: Vincenzo Salemme
Sei fratelli
Film drammatico
Directed by: Simone Godano
Shadow of Rome (Game)
Action / Adventure
Miracles Accepted
Film comedy
Directed by: Alessandro Siani
Film drama
Directed by: Paolo Virzì
TV series – 6 episodes
Directed by: Davide Marengo
6 Underground
Film action, thriller
Directed by: Michael Bay
Skam Italia
Tv series - 5 seasons
Directed by: Ludovico Bessegato, Tiziano Russo
Slow Food Story
Directed by: Stefano Sardo
Song ‘e Napule
Film comedy
Directed by: Antonio Manetti, Marco Manetti
Sono Lillo
Tv series - 2 seasons - 14 episodes
Directed by: Eros Puglielli
Tv series - 12 episodes
Directed by: Carmine Elia
The bone breakers
Film drama
Directed by: Vincenzo Pirrotta
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Film action, adventure
Directed by: Jon Watts
Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy
Tv serie - 2 seasons
Directed by: Satiyesh Manoharajah, Neil Ferguson, Chiara Messineo, Archie Powell, Chloë Avery
Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace
Action film, adventure, fantasy
Directed by: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode 2 – Attack of the Clones
Action film, adventure, fantasy
Directed by: George Lucas
Storia della mia famiglia
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Claudio Cupellini
Tear Along The Dotted Line
TV series – 6 episodes
Directed by: Zerocalcare
Street Fighter (Game)
Fighting game
Tv series - 8 episodes
Directed by: Ciro D’Emilio, Alessandro Tonda
Tv series - 3 seasons
Directed by: Lorenzo Sportiello, Francesco Lagi
Directed by: Matteo Rovere, Francesco Carrozzini, Francesca Mazzoleni
Take Five
Film drama
Directed by: Guido Lombardi
I Told You So
Film drama
Directed by: Ginevra Elkann
Tekken (Game)
Fighting game
The Bad Guy
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Giuseppe G. Stasi, Giancarlo Fontana
The Brutalist
Film drama
Directed by: Brady Corbet
The Equalizer 3
Film thriller, action
Directed by: Antoine Fuqua
The Good Mothers
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Julian Jarrold, Elisa Amoruso
The Honeymoon
Film comedy
Directed by: Dean Craig
The Italian Recipe
Film sentimental
Directed by: Hou Zuxin
The New Pope
TV series – 9 episodes
Directed by: Paolo Sorrentino
The Penitent
Film drama
Directed by: Luca Barbareschi
The Swarm
Tv series - 8 episodes
Directed by: Barbara Eder, Luke Watson
The Trip to Italy
Film comedy
Directed by: Michael Winterbottom
The White Lotus
Tv series - 2nd season - 7 episodes
Directed by: Mike White
The Wholly Family
Short Film
Directed by: Terry Gilliam
The Young Pope
Tv series – 10 episodes
Directed by: Paolo Sorrentino
To Rome With Love
Film comedy
Directed by: Woody Allen
Tomb Raider Chronicles (Game)
Action / Adventure
Three Floors
Film drama
Directed by: Nanni Moretti
Tre sorelle
Film comedy
Directed by: Enrico Vanzina
Bets & Wedding Dresses
Film drama
Directed by: Vincenzo Terracciano
True Blue
Directed by: Filippo Barbagallo
Troppo napoletano
Film comedy
Directed by: Gianluca Ansanelli
All the Money in the World
Dramatic film, crime
Directed by: Ridley Scott
Tutti Pazzi per Amore
TV series - 3 seasons - 78 episodes
Directed by: Riccardo Milani
Un'estate fa
Tv series - 8 episodes
Directed by: Davide Marengo, Marta Savina
Una gran voglia di vivere
Film drama
Directed by: Michela Andreozzi
An Endless Sunday
Film drama
Directed by: Alain Parroni
Tv series - 6 episodes
Directed by: Andrea De Sica, Giorgio Romano
Film horror
Directed by: Alex de la Iglesia
Viaggi di nozze
Film comedy
Directed by: Carlo Verdone
Vita da Carlo
TV series - 2 seasons, 20 episodes
Directed by: Carlo Verdone, Arnaldo Catinari
The desired war
Film comedy, drama
Directed by: Gianni Zanasi
Directed by: Niclas Bendixen