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<p>altopiano del salto, San Genesio,bolzano,bozen,prati del salto,bosco di abeti rossi e larici,Salten larch meadows</p>

Larch meadows – Altopiano del Salto

Altipiano del Salto, Via Lavenna, Mölten, Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol, Italy

Larch meadows – Altopiano del Salto

Altipiano del Salto, Via Lavenna, Mölten, Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol, Italy



The Salto plateau, which extends from San Genesio to Avelengo, dividing Val Sarentino from Val d'Adige, is a valuable example of a landscape with human activity. The largest complex of larch meadows in Europe can be admired here. The cutting and pruning of a forest of spruce and larch have given the meadows their current shape, characterized by the typical colors of the larch: green in spring, then yellow and orange in autumn.

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Tarmac road, Unmade road, Mule track, Trail
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IDM Film Fund & Commission — Alto Adige
Via del Macello, 73 — 39100 Bolzano
Phone: +39 0471 094 294
Email: luisa.giuliani@idm-suedtirol.com

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Permission Ispettorato Forestale di Bolzano II Amtsdirektor

Direttore Dr. Hermann Gallmetzer Rittner Str.
Via Renon 37 39100 - Bozen - Bolzano
T +39 0471 415 260
F +39 0471 415 269
E forstinspektorat.bozen2@provinz.bz.it

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