The 9th-century Abbey of St. Clement a Casauria is a bona-fide jewel of medieval art that continues to demonstrate the past economic and political power of the Church with its elegant Romanesque-Gothic lines. Much of the history of the complex can be gleaned from the Chronicon Casauriense, the book tracking events at the Abbey from its construction to 1182, gathered by Brother Giovanni and inscribed and illustrated by Brother Rustico whose story combines legends, miracles and fantastic elements with the historical data.
The visitor is greeted by a triumphal three door portico whose central opening is in bronze, decorated with repeating reliefs with capitals adorned with figures, including those from the medieval bestiary. The central nave inside the church has a higher ceiling than the side naves. The ancient, priceless furnishings including ambon, ciborium and Paschal candle contribute to the evocative atmosphere.