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Regional and Facilities

IDM Film Fund

Session expirations:

  • 21.01.2025
  • 06.05.2025 Open
  • 16.09.2025


The IDM Film Fund, managed by IDM Südtirol, supports producers shooting a film project entirely or partially in South Tyrol. The contribution can cover up to 50% of the total estimated production costs and, in exceptional cases , up to 60%. The maximum contribution amount per film project is €1.5 million.
Funding is issued in the form of non-repayable grants in instalments in keeping with the timeline of the project, and may be combined with other forms of state funding.
Only production companies are eligible to submit applications. In the case of co-productions (generally film co-productions), the application must be submitted by the majority producer. If Italian partners are involved in an International co-production, only the majority Italian producer may submit the application, even when they are themselves a minority producer among the international partners; if a South Tyrolean producer is involved in a national or international co-production, the South Tyrolean producer must submit the application, regardless of the producer’s status within the co-production group.
To be granted funding, spending in the region must amount to at least 150% of the amount requested for projects.
The separate pre-production grants are for preparatory activities such as project development and pre-production. IDM can support the applicant project by covering a maximum of 70% of costs, for a total amount of no more than €100,000. The application must be accompanied by a detailed estimate of pre-production costs. This funding mechanism is reserved exclusively for projects with direct cultural references to the Alto Adige region and/or significant ties to the region during the production stage. This requirement can be met by the storyline, the writer/director or the involvement of local professionals.
Through production funding for short films and short form series IDM supports film projects produced wholly or partly in South Tyrol by covering up to 70% of the total production costs. The maximum amount granted is 30.000 euros per project. Grants from the IDM Film Fund can be combined with other public grants. 
IDM is particularly committed to supporting co-productions between Italy and German-speaking countries.


  • IDM Alto Adige
  • Phone: +39 0471 094000
  • Fax: +39 0471 094444
  • Email: film@idm-suedtirol.com
  • Web Site: https://www.film.idm-suedtirol.com/it/film-commission
Link to the call Print Tab

Data sheet


  • Italian Film or co-production
  • Foreign film

Distribution channel

  • Cinema
  • Television
  • Web

Film industry branch

  • Development
  • Production


  • selective

Eligible projects

  • Feature Film
  • Short Film
  • TV series
  • Documentary


  • Italian production company
  • European production company
  • Non-European production company

Maximum contribution

Production: €800,000
Short films: €30,000
Pre-production: €50,000

Maximum quota on cost

Production: 50%
Pre-production and short fims: 70%

Type of contribution

  • Non-repayable grants


  • Minimum spend in the territory:

    150% of the amount requested in the province.

The producer must contribuite to the project'd funding with suitable financial resources, including liquid assets.

The work's distribution must already have been secured.

The main sources of funding must already be confirmed, or at least guaranteed by reliable sources.

The following factors will help to ensure the application's success:

  • In the detailed estimate of costs, activities that will be carried out in the region should be highlighted. 
  • The project must show a willingness to work with local professionals and suppliers throughout the principal photography stage.
  • The application must be submitted before filming begins, with no exceptions.

Short films:

  • Submission of a detailed cost estimate clearly outlining for what money is to be spent in South Tyrol. At least 60% of the funding amount being applied for must be spent in South Tyrol.
  • Involvement of South Tyrolean service providers and filmmakers, especially in the core creative team: production, script, direction, acting, cinematography, editing, production design and music.

Payment schedule

This can be broken down into six steps from the application stage to payment:

  • An obligatory preliminary interview is held and the online application submitted.
  • The project is evaluated by IDM and an advisory committee of experts, and confirmation of funding is given (if the application is successful)
  • A statement of unilateral commitment/funding contract is issued, defining the conditions for payment of the grant (once the financial plan has been secured and the final documentation for the project has been scrutinised by an audit firm employed by IDM).
  • The first instalment (the amount of which will depend on the state of progress of the project) is paid.
  • The remaining funding amount is paid following the outcome of the final report for the project.
  • Once the project is complete, costs and final expenses (focusing in particular on whether or not local spending commitments have been met) are checked by an audit firm employed by IDM.

Fundings in focus

All fundings