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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, castello estense, estensi, Ferrara, castello, castle, Este, Torre di Santa Caterina, Torre dei Leoni, Torre Marchesana, Torre di San Paolo, Museo, Museum, giardino pensile, hanging garden, Emilia, Romagna

Estense Castle – Ferrara

Castello Estense, Largo Castello, Comune di Ferrara, FE, Italia

Estense Castle – Ferrara

Castello Estense, Largo Castello, Comune di Ferrara, FE, Italia


The Estense Castle of Ferrara was built in 1385, as an instrument of political and military control. At the end of the 15th century it became the residence of the Este family, lords of the city. Located in the city center it is still surrounded by a moat with water.

Its imposing proportions, its moat, its drawbridges and its towers date back to that period. An elevated covered passageway, which still exists, joined the military building to the marquises’ palace, today Palazzo Municipale.

After centuries the castle became the residence of the court and was embellished with terraces at the top of the towers, marble balconies, the Renaissance style courtyard (at the time fully frescoed) and sumptuous apartments.

The imposing towers stand out at the four corners of the Castle, symbols of the magnificence of the Este Family: the Torre di Santa Caterina, the Torre dei Leoni, from which it is possible to admire the panorama of Ferrara, the Torre Marchesana, the Torre di San Paolo.

Nowadays the building houses the Castle Museum with valuable works and public offices. The ducal kitchens, the prisons, the hanging garden and about fifteen rooms of considerable artistic importance can be visited.

Data sheet

Tarmac road, Accessible by car, Accessible on foot
Print sheet


Emilia-Romagna Film Commission
Viale Aldo Moro 38 — 40127 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 5278753
Email: filmcom@regione.emilia-romagna.it

Location profile Film commission

Incentives available for this location

All fundings for this location
Region Emilia-Romagna
Bando per il sostegno alla produzione di opere cinematografiche e audiovisive realizzate da imprese nazionali, europee ed extraeuropee – Emilia-Romagna
Region Emilia-Romagna
Facilities Emilia-Romagna
Region Lazio
Dalla parola allo schermo – Regione Lazio
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di produzione di videogiochi — Legge 220/2016 (art. 15)
Contributi automatici - Legge 220/2016
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di produzione — Legge 220/2016 (art. 15)
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di distribuzione — Legge 220/2016 (art. 16)
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per l’attrazione in Italia di investimenti cinematografici e audiovisivi
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese non appartenenti al settore cinematografico e audiovisivo — Legge 220/2016 (art. 20)
Tax Credit
Fondo esportatori internazionali - Fondi di internazionalizzazione
European Film Distribution - CREA-MEDIA-2025
TV and Online Content - CREA-MEDIA-2025
Films on the Move - CREA-MEDIA-2025
European Festivals - CREA-MEDIA-2025
European Co-development - CREA-MEDIA-2025
Video Games and Immersive Content Development - CREA-MEDIA-2024

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Some works made in this location

All works
Needing a friend?
Film comedy
Directed by: Alessandro Siani
The Profession of Arms
Period film
Directed by: Ermanno Olmi
We Still Talk
Film drama
Directed by: Pupi Avati

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