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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, forte di San Leo, Fort of San Leo, San Leo, forte rinascimentale, Castello, castle, Federico da Montefeltro, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, arte militare, prigione, prison, Conte di Cagliostro, Count of Cagliostro, Emilia, Romagna

Fort of San Leo

Forte di San Leo, Via Battaglione Cacciatori, San Leo, RN, Italia

Fort of San Leo

Forte di San Leo, Via Battaglione Cacciatori, San Leo, RN, Italia


The Fort of San Leo (RN), whose origins were already lost at the time of the 6th century Gothic-Byzantine war, has been constantly fought over, in particular during the 14th and 15th centuries until it was definitively conquered in 1441 by Federico da Montefeltro. To keep abreast of new military techniques, he had the fortress rebuilt entrusting the design to Francesco di Giorgio Martini, an engineer from Siena.

The imposing defensive structure of the fortress appears to be an extension of the rock that it stands upon; the result of the work of both nature and man is a majestic beauty. Under the Papal State, it became a terrible prison where the Count of Cagliostro died. Following the Unification of Italy, until 1906, the fortress continued to function as a prison.

Today, cleared of the 18th century additions which altered its elegant Renaissance lines, the splendour of its unique architecture has been restored, making the fort a significant example of military art. It is open for visits to the exhibitions of arms and armour, the cells of famous prisoners and its fortifications.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Emilia-Romagna Film Commission
Viale Aldo Moro 38 — 40127 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 5278753
Email: filmcom@regione.emilia-romagna.it

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Incentives available for this location

All fundings for this location
Region Emilia-Romagna
Bando per il sostegno alla produzione di opere cinematografiche e audiovisive realizzate da imprese nazionali, europee ed extraeuropee – Emilia-Romagna
Region Emilia-Romagna
Facilities Emilia-Romagna
Region Lazio
Dalla parola allo schermo – Regione Lazio
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di produzione di videogiochi — Legge 220/2016 (art. 15)
Contributi automatici - Legge 220/2016
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di produzione — Legge 220/2016 (art. 15)
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di distribuzione — Legge 220/2016 (art. 16)
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per l’attrazione in Italia di investimenti cinematografici e audiovisivi
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese non appartenenti al settore cinematografico e audiovisivo — Legge 220/2016 (art. 20)
Tax Credit
Fondo esportatori internazionali - Fondi di internazionalizzazione
European Film Distribution - CREA-MEDIA-2025
TV and Online Content - CREA-MEDIA-2025
Films on the Move - CREA-MEDIA-2025
European Festivals - CREA-MEDIA-2025
European Co-development - CREA-MEDIA-2025
Video Games and Immersive Content Development - CREA-MEDIA-2024

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