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Fund for the development of film co-productions between Italy and the Baltic States

Session opening:

  • 02.12.2024

Session expirations:

  • 10.01.2025 Closed


The aim of the call for applications is to finance the development of feature-length films in co-production between Italy and the Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania).


Link to the call Print Tab

Data sheet

Distribution channel

  • Cinema

Film industry branch

  • Development

Eligible projects

  • Feature Film
  • Documentary
  • Animation


  • Italian production company
  • European production company
  • Industry Professional - Europe

Maximum contribution


Type of contribution

  • Non-repayable grants


  • Films must have a producer with registered office in Italy and a producer with registered office in one of the Baltic States
  • The country’s respective contributions may vary between 20% and 80%.
  • The producers must not be classified as non-European companies
  • The producers must be classified as independent producers
  • The producers must operate with the Ateco code 59.1
  • The producers must possess, by virtue of contract or purchase option, the creative processing rights to the screenplay, story, treatment or other artistic material provided for in Law 22 April 1941 no. 633 and subsequent amendments and aimed at the creation of the film.
  • Majority or equal production Italian projects for which Provisional Italian Nationality has been requested may not apply for the Award for the development of projects in co-production between Italy and the Baltic States

Payment schedule

The Granting body will disburse the grant as follows:

  • within 180 days of the announcement of the ranking, the beneficiary may request 50% of the grant, which will be paid within 30 days following signature of the agreement with the Granting Body;
  • within 18 months of the announcement of the ranking, the beneficiary may request the balance, submitting the required documentation. The balance will be paid within 90 days.


The application, complete with all the required documentation, must be sent to the PEC address dg-ca.bandi-cosviluppo@pec.cultura.gov.it.

For further information or clarification, please contact Laura Salerno (laura.salerno@cultura.gov.it) and Erika Verucci (erika.verucci@cultura.gov.it).

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