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Trentino Film Fund

Session expirations:

  • 28.03.2024
  • 13.06.2024
  • 26.09.2024 Open


The fund aims to support the production and circulation of film, television and documentary works filmed in Trentino, to encourage the development of the local economy and/or promote the environmental, cultural and historical heritage of Trentino.
The fund also supports professional training and participation in national and international markets and festivals for those who operate locally in the audiovisual industry.
The following persons may submit applications for grants:

  1. independent audiovisual production companies – Italian, European and non-European – for the production, in the province of Trento, of works destined for release in cinemas, on television, on multimedia platforms and home video, both nationally and internationally;
  2. independent audiovisual production companies operating in the documentary and new media sector – Italian, European and non-European – for the production, in the province of Trento, of audiovisual and/or multimedia works;
  3. local professionals and audiovisual production companies (with their operational headquarters in the province of Trento), for the production, in Italy and abroad, of audiovisual and/or multimedia works;
  4. local television broadcasters (with their operational headquarters in the province of Trento), for the production of original television series and formats of a non-journalistic nature, with a special focus on youth and social issues along with local or European cultural current affairs;
  5. professionals and aspiring professionals, for participating in training courses and professional markets in the sector, both nationally and internationally.


Link to the call Print Tab

Data sheet


  • Italian Film or co-production
  • Foreign film

Distribution channel

  • Cinema
  • Television
  • Web

Film industry branch

  • Production
  • Training


  • selective

Eligible projects

  • Feature Film
  • Documentary
  • Animation


  • Italian production company
  • European production company
  • Non-European production company
  • Italian executive production company

Maximum contribution

Film and television productions: €400,000
Documentary productions: €40,000
Local productions: €50,000
Local television broadcasters: €50,000
Training and professional market initiatives: €5,000

Maximum quota on cost


Type of contribution

  • Non-repayable grants


  • Production start date must be given
  • Minimum spend in the territory:
    • Feature films and TV series: 150% of the contribution
    • Documentaries: 120% of the contribution
  • Required use of local workforce:  20% of the crew (extras excluded) must be filled by technical professionals domiciled and operational in the province of Trento.

Payment schedule

Grants will be disbursed as follows:

  1. advance for all beneficiaries:  30% on approval of the grant; disbursement of an amount of €1,000 or over is contingent on the presentation of financing guarantee for 30% of the grant, valid for the length of time required to PRODUCE THE WORK and the FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORT;
  2. second Advance for Cinema and TV Productions, Documentary and local TV editor productions: 50% subordinate to LOCAL ACCOUNTING, contingent on the presentation of financing guarantee for 50% of the grant, valid for the length of time required to PRODUCE THE WORK and the FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORT;
  3. second advance for Local Productions: 50% of the grant subordinate to presentation of PARTIAL ACCOUNTING and contingent on the presentation of financing guarantee for 50% of the grant, valid for the length of time required to PRODUCE THE WORK and the FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORT;
  4. balance for Cinema and TV Productions, Documentary Productions, Local Productions and TV editor productions: the remaining 20% contingent on the FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORT;
  5. Balance for individuals receiving assistance for training: the remaining 70% contingent on the FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORT of the training activity or industry market.

It is possible to request postponement of the first advance (30%) for combined disbursement with the second. In this case, the financing guarantee requested (bank or insurance) must be equal to 80% of the grant approved valid for the length of time required to PRODUCE THE WORK and the FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORT.



  1. Deadline for shoot start date: within 9 months from the date of approval for the grant deliberated by the Giunta of the Province;
  2. Deadline for completion of the work and final production accounting report: within 2 years from the start date.

Extensions may be granted for valid reasons.

Fundings in focus

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