The neighbourhood of Terravecchia is the highest, and oldest, part of the village of Pisticci (MT). Characterised by a cluster of red-roofed white houses on different levels, it encloses a range of interesting sites: a Norman castle, the ancient gate to the village, the Chiesa Madre, the small Church of our Lady of the Annunciation and the ruins of the Church of the Madonna della Stella. The Norman castle, of which only the keep is visible today, was demolished to make space for the tower of the Agri aqueduct, a water reserve built in the Fascist era to meet the needs of the town.
Lucana Film Commission
Via Madonna delle Virtù snc — 75100 Matera (sede legale); Corso Garibaldi 139 — 85100 Potenza (uffici)
Phone: +39 0971 665034