Located in the 15th century Palazzo Como in via Duomo, Naples, the Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri displays an extenstive collection of sculpture, paintings, applied arts and old books. The Museum was established in 1881 following a suggestion by Gaetano Filangieri, Prince of Satriano, and opened in 1888. The structure was later closed and reopened only in 2015.
The Carlo Finangieri Room is divided into 3 areas with ribbed vaults decorated with mosaics on a golden background: there are examples of Renaissance and Novecento architecture, sculpture, weapons, clothing and ceramics while a niche holds the bust of Carlo Filangieri, father of Gaetano. The Agata Room, with a tiled floor and glass and iron skylight, houses a collection of paintings and on the upper level, accessible by a wooden walkway, a collection of porcelain. Steps lead to the library, where the prince’s desk stands in the centre surrounded by wooden furnishings and tiled decorations.
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