The Castle of Mottolo, owned by the Emo-Capodilista family, stands on the “Mottolo” hill in La Montecchia, a hamlet in the municipality of Selvazzano Dentro (Padua). In addition to the medieval castle, the family estate also includes a 16th century church, the sublime Villa Emo Capodilista and vast land holdings.
The imposing central tower of the castle is surrounded by the oldest buildings, a mighty keep and rural courtyarddating to the 13th century,
In the early 20th century, Count Lionello Emo-Capodilista restored the 16th century wing with high arched windows built next to the tower’s western flank. Inspired by different models of castles, he also built a new complex of buildings with a medieval look, and then adapted it all to become a holiday resort.
Today the farm buildings near the castle house a wine producer, a small museum of rural life and accommodation.
Fondazione Veneto Film Commission
Via Carducci, 32 – 30171 Venezia Mestre
: +39 041 279 43 38