The provocative dystopian drama The Store directed by Hanna Ami-ro Sköld, produced by Turin-based Indyca and ONOMA Productions (Sweden), combines live-action and stop-motion animation to expose the dehumanizing and absurdly wasteful effects of our society with originality.
After a four-year development process, the project was created with the contribution of the Piemonte Film TV Fund and the support of the Film Commission Torino Piemonte, plus other significant European co-production funds.
The film shot in Gothenburg, Turin and Traversella (province of Turin). In Piedmont, the production shot for six days in the Traversella mine, in Valchiusella, with the assistance of the Municipality of Traversella, the Cai Uget Piemonte Speleologists Group, and the local Alpine Rescue Service.
Filming in Turin was concentrated mainly at the Sermig Arsenal of Peace which hosted the cast and crew for 2 days: the hospital room for one of the film’s most emotional scenes was shot in one of the facility's wards.
Post-production was carried out entirely at Imago VFX in Piedmont, while the animations were also created by the Studio Ibrido collective.
The provocative dystopian drama The Store directed by Hanna Ami-ro Sköld, produced by Turin-based Indyca and ONOMA Productions (Sweden), combines live-action and stop-motion animation to expose the dehumanizing and absurdly wasteful effects of our society with originality.
After a four-year development process, the project was created with the contribution of the Piemonte Film TV Fund and the support of the Film Commission Torino Piemonte, plus other significant European co-production funds.
The film shot in Gothenburg, Turin and Traversella (province of Turin). In Piedmont, the production shot for six days in the Traversella mine, in Valchiusella, with the assistance of the Municipality of Traversella, the Cai Uget Piemonte Speleologists Group, and the local Alpine Rescue Service.
Filming in Turin was concentrated mainly at the Sermig Arsenal of Peace which hosted the cast and crew for 2 days: the hospital room for one of the film’s most emotional scenes was shot in one of the facility's wards.
Post-production was carried out entirely at Imago VFX in Piedmont, while the animations were also created by the Studio Ibrido collective.