Directed by Enrico Maria Artale, El Paraíso tells the story of Julio (Edoardo Pesce), who is almost 40 and lives on the outskirts of Rome, in the coastal town of Fiumicino, in a little house near the Tiber river.
Julio lives with his mother (Margarita Rosa De Francisco), who left her country, Colombia, when she was young and pregnant with him. She has a very possessive relationship with her son, bordering on the pathological, sharing every single thing with him from a simple hobby like Latin American dancing to illegal work, such as drug trafficking. Mother and son are both experienced drug mules but when a young Colombian girl, Ines (Maria del Rosario) bursts onto the scene, their relationship is put to the test.
The situation precipitates fast, fanned by desire and jealousy, and Julio ends up carrying out an extreme gesture in a painful journey that takes him to his mother’s country for the first time.
The seven-week shoot took place in Colombia, Rome (a scene shows the Square Colosseum at Eur) and Fiumicino which featured the main streets of the city centre, the covered market, the area of Passo della Sentinella and the town hall used as an embassy.
Directed by Enrico Maria Artale, El Paraíso tells the story of Julio (Edoardo Pesce), who is almost 40 and lives on the outskirts of Rome, in the coastal town of Fiumicino, in a little house near the Tiber river.
Julio lives with his mother (Margarita Rosa De Francisco), who left her country, Colombia, when she was young and pregnant with him. She has a very possessive relationship with her son, bordering on the pathological, sharing every single thing with him from a simple hobby like Latin American dancing to illegal work, such as drug trafficking. Mother and son are both experienced drug mules but when a young Colombian girl, Ines (Maria del Rosario) bursts onto the scene, their relationship is put to the test.
The situation precipitates fast, fanned by desire and jealousy, and Julio ends up carrying out an extreme gesture in a painful journey that takes him to his mother’s country for the first time.
The seven-week shoot took place in Colombia, Rome (a scene shows the Square Colosseum at Eur) and Fiumicino which featured the main streets of the city centre, the covered market, the area of Passo della Sentinella and the town hall used as an embassy.
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