The undisputed protagonist of I Am the Abyss is lake Como, a peaceful place whose apparently serene surface conceals raging currents. The perfect place to hide a secret.
Water is the key element and present practically all the time, it both opens and closes the film: a chilling, abandoned, but terribly “alive” pool of water, a monster of dirty water and rubbish, attempts to envelop a child in the opening scenes; while the final scene features rain from a sprinkler system, 48,000 litres dropped onto the actors and the specifically created (and subsequently ruined) soundstage set.
The main places in Lario involved in the film include: Orrido di Nesso, a key element in the story; Lecco in particular the lake front (opposite the statue of San Nicolò); Civate, with the Villa of the Fly Hunter; Mandello sul Lario, with Isola Comencina and the park; Villa Bonomi in Como and Villa Rubini Radaelli (where the party is held) in Dongo; Lierna; the Harbour of Pescallo (Bellagio), where the Hunter meets the Professor and they talk on a bench facing the lake.
Locations also included a housing estate in Pomezia, the prison of Velletri and interiors around there, and the De Paolis studios in Rome.
The undisputed protagonist of I Am the Abyss is lake Como, a peaceful place whose apparently serene surface conceals raging currents. The perfect place to hide a secret.
Water is the key element and present practically all the time, it both opens and closes the film: a chilling, abandoned, but terribly “alive” pool of water, a monster of dirty water and rubbish, attempts to envelop a child in the opening scenes; while the final scene features rain from a sprinkler system, 48,000 litres dropped onto the actors and the specifically created (and subsequently ruined) soundstage set.
The main places in Lario involved in the film include: Orrido di Nesso, a key element in the story; Lecco in particular the lake front (opposite the statue of San Nicolò); Civate, with the Villa of the Fly Hunter; Mandello sul Lario, with Isola Comencina and the park; Villa Bonomi in Como and Villa Rubini Radaelli (where the party is held) in Dongo; Lierna; the Harbour of Pescallo (Bellagio), where the Hunter meets the Professor and they talk on a bench facing the lake.
Locations also included a housing estate in Pomezia, the prison of Velletri and interiors around there, and the De Paolis studios in Rome.
Copyright: ph: Loris Zambelli
Copyright: ph: Loris Zambelli
Gabriel Montesi,the Man Who Cleans
Copyright: ph: Loris Zambelli
The Man Who Cleans (Gabriel Montesi) and the Girl with the Purple Hair Lock (Sara Ciocca)
Copyright: ph: Loris Zambelli
Michela Cescon, the Huntress
Copyright: ph: Loris Zambelli
Sara Ciocca, the Girl with the Purple Hair Lock
Copyright: ph: Loris Zambelli
Donato Carrisi – Lake Como
Copyright: ph: Loris Zambelli
The Professor (Sergio Albelli) and the Huntress (Michela Cescon)
The Man Who Cleans knows you can find a lot of secrets in trash. People tend to lie but their trash never does. The Man Who Cleans thought he was invisible, until he met the Girl with the Purple Hair Lock. Girl with the Purple Hair Lock breaks into his tidy life because only an evil angel can save her now. Meanwhile, the Huntress knows somebody is killing blonds out there. Nobody believes her, but she knows. What she doesn't know, though, is that evil is hiding behind the green door. The truth lies at the bottom of a dark, deep abyss.
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