Il principe di Roma is an unusual film adaptation of Charles Dickens’ great classic, A Christmas Carol. Here, the hateful Scrooge (Marco Giallini) is a greedy man overly proud of his noble title who lives, not in 19th century London, but in Papal Rome in the years before the unification of Italy, a time “full of uneasy minds who wander the streets and hide inside palaces.” Christmas with its gifts and old Scrooge with his proverbial greed are removed from the story, but the ghosts remain; those of mysterious historical figures like Beatrice Cenci, Giordano Bruno and Pope Alexander VI who, tradition holds, wander the streets of the Eternal city for centuries. They guide the protagonist on an extraordinary journey through his past, present and future lives.
While 19th century Rome was created amidst the alleys of the historical centre (the opening scenes show the imposing bulk of the Pantheon) and in Orvieto, the interiors of the noble buildings are those of Palazzo Chigi di Ariccia.
Il principe di Roma is an unusual film adaptation of Charles Dickens’ great classic, A Christmas Carol. Here, the hateful Scrooge (Marco Giallini) is a greedy man overly proud of his noble title who lives, not in 19th century London, but in Papal Rome in the years before the unification of Italy, a time “full of uneasy minds who wander the streets and hide inside palaces.” Christmas with its gifts and old Scrooge with his proverbial greed are removed from the story, but the ghosts remain; those of mysterious historical figures like Beatrice Cenci, Giordano Bruno and Pope Alexander VI who, tradition holds, wander the streets of the Eternal city for centuries. They guide the protagonist on an extraordinary journey through his past, present and future lives.
While 19th century Rome was created amidst the alleys of the historical centre (the opening scenes show the imposing bulk of the Pantheon) and in Orvieto, the interiors of the noble buildings are those of Palazzo Chigi di Ariccia.
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