A thriller set in Italian settings with high esoteric and cabbalistic potential: Rome, Venice and Castel del Monte (Andria). The player finds themselves interacting with famous monuments with the aim of pursuing their investigation; in the tomb of Umberto I and Margherita of Savoy in the Pantheon, for example, they find the key to a secret monastery which is home to a relic of the Virgin Mary. In the Vatican, they can explore the lavishly decorated halls of the Vatican Museums, like Raphael’s Rooms. The graphics of the Italian locations are the strong point of this game: settings like Piazza San Pietro, the Pantheon, and the Bridge of Sighs, were designed paying great attention to the period and the genre, achieving a good level of realism.
A thriller set in Italian settings with high esoteric and cabbalistic potential: Rome, Venice and Castel del Monte (Andria). The player finds themselves interacting with famous monuments with the aim of pursuing their investigation; in the tomb of Umberto I and Margherita of Savoy in the Pantheon, for example, they find the key to a secret monastery which is home to a relic of the Virgin Mary. In the Vatican, they can explore the lavishly decorated halls of the Vatican Museums, like Raphael’s Rooms. The graphics of the Italian locations are the strong point of this game: settings like Piazza San Pietro, the Pantheon, and the Bridge of Sighs, were designed paying great attention to the period and the genre, achieving a good level of realism.
Vatican Museums / Tourism Portal
St. Peter's Square / Tourism Portal
Venice / Tourism Portal
Copyright: © dtp Entertainment - Artematica
The Michelangelesque colonnade in Piazza San Pietro as it hosts an exhibition on Caravaggio
Copyright: © dtp Entertainment - Artematica
Raphael’s Rooms at the Vatican Museums
Copyright: © dtp Entertainment - Artematica
View over the Bridge of Sighs
A point-and-click adventure developed by Italian company Artematica in 2006. British journalist Jo Danter finds himself mixed up in a case that led to the death of his uncle Frank, an undercover agent for the Vatican. The mystery concerns Judas’ 30 pieces of silver and a mysterious relic that belong to the Templars. The storyline of this religious thriller, which centres around the ancient legacy of the Templars, rides on the media success of Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code and Ron Howard’s film of the same name.
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